Islam in Brazil

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“As salamu’alaikum!” Omar greeting when entering the mosque Mesquita da Luz, the first mosque in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, Latin America, in the evening he was just breaking the fast during Ramadan (last year). Omar just knew a few words in Arabic, and he quickly went on a conversation with the Portuguese language with Muslim brothers who were much like him, who had converted to Islam in the largest Catholic country in the world.
On land more known for its bikini and Karnival Ekstravagansa (rah-rah over) featuring scantily clad women, a small but growing group of Muslims from various parts of the world. For decades, mainly descendants of families Libya, Palestine and Syria who came to practice Islam in Brazil.
Omar (34), the newly inaugurated four years ago as a Catholic priest in a local church, explains why he embraced Islam. “I found in Islam everything that I am always looking for. I found God as they should he, with no adaptation, “the man who works as a Graphic Designer was told AFP.
Wearing a long robe (robe), Omar refused to give his real name (before converting to Islam-ed), instead he just said one of his Muslim name: Omar bin Ibrahim Dawood Israfil,
At the seminar, you learn that Islam is a monotheistic religion (monotheism). There is no prejudice against this religion, “said Omar, who was beside his wife, Alessandra Faria, who changed its name to Fatima after converting to Islam and memtuskan to wear the hijab. “Initially, my mother was embarrassed at the thought (how to) go out with me. I wear the hijab to show that I am a Muslim and I am aware that part of the minorities, “said Fatima.
Hijab Fatima may be faced by those who frown and raised eyebrows at the Rio, which is more often seen the woman walking down the street wearing a bikini on the beach environment, but he said that faith can find a place here. “Brazil is diverse, consisting of several different cultures. Diversity that makes the Brazilian people are very adaptable and tolerant, “he said.
Like most Muslims here, Omar and Fatima are the people who are new to Islam. They plan to go to Saudi Arabia next year the Saudi government assistance to learn Arabic.
Renovations at which they attend mosque on the outskirts of North Tijuca, Rio has lasted four years ago with donations from the Jama’ah. The mosque holds up to 400 people at prayer, a big increase.
“The number of Muslims continues to grow, and most of Brazil are the ones who converted to Islam. We invite members (calling people to Islam-ed) mostly through online, “said Sami Isbelle, a spokesman for the Muslim Community Benefactor (SBMRJ).
“In Rio, there are about 500 Muslim families, 85 percent of them are people who converted to Islam that Brazil does not have a relationship with the Arabs,” said Isbelle.
Unlike in the region of Sao Paulo, Brazil area of the South, where most Muslims are born of Arab descent.
Brazilian census does not count the number of Muslims, and only records Catholics, Evangelicals, Jews, spiritualists and followers of Afro-Brazilian religions. “Muslims are being recorded in the category ‘other’, along with Buddhists, for example,” says Islam expert, Paulo Pinto of Fuminense Federal University, who estimates that Brazil is home to approximately one million Muslims.
Based on the report Pinto, the best indicator of the growth of Islam in a country Brazil is increasing the number of places of Worship (Mosque). Now there are 127 mosques, four times more than in 2000.
After the tragedy of 9/11 attacks in the United States, “there is growing interest in Islam, and many people decide to convert to Islam,” added Pinto. “Islam is seen as a new form of ‘resistance'”.
Produced in Morocco, there is the famous event which showed “a positive picture of the world, the heroes of Islam is full of virtue,” said Pinto.
In Brazil the country with a Catholic pebuh-fanatics, liberal, secular, pagan, and show people who do the rah-rah kebanykan for indulgence without any restrictions. Muslims in Brazil remain optimistic that Islam will continue to expand rapidly in the country.
Unfortunately, there is news that the Muslims in Brazil shortage of teachers or scholars who preached there, because, majority of the Brazilian people speak Portuguese and very few Muslims who speaks Portuguese. Muslims in Brazil still needs a lot of scholars are expected to emigrate there to teach and spread Islam syi’ar syi’ar-Islam in the predominantly Catholic country.
originally posted by 2011 posted by
(Siraaj /
In the edit back Bustamam Ismail

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